Episode 2: The Procrastination Trap: How to Break Free & Take Action

Discover if you are a procrastinator, a procrasti – learner or a perculator.

In this episode, I dive deep into the topic of procrastination and explore three common ways people delay taking action. I believe that procrastination is often a result of how we think about ourselves and our abilities. My goal is to help listeners identify these patterns and make small mindset shifts that will empower them to move closer to their dreams and ambitions.

I start by explaining that procrastination is a form of delay, but not all delays are a form of procrastination. Life can throw unexpected obstacles our way, such as illness or family emergencies, which can temporarily delay our progress. However, the type of delay I focus on is when we are the only ones getting in our own way. It’s when we wait for the perfect moment or feel the need to know everything before taking action.

To understand procrastination better, I delve into the etymology of the word. It originates from the Latin roots “pro” meaning forward and “crastinate” meaning tomorrow. Essentially, procrastination is the act of delaying what needs to be done. While procrastination has been around for centuries, I started this podcast because I noticed many talented individuals postponing their dreams due to self-doubt and lack of consistency, clarity, courage, or confidence.

I then discuss three specific ways people tend to delay and share personal examples to illustrate each point. The first is procrastination itself, where we allow our thoughts and self-perception to hinder our progress. I encourage listeners to reflect on what they might be procrastinating on and challenge them to make a small mindset shift that will give them the permission and freedom to take a step forward towards their ambitions.

The second way people delay is through procrasti – learning. This occurs when we spend excessive time researching and comparing ourselves to others who are already successful in our desired field. While learning and seeking guidance is essential, it can become a form of procrastination if it paralyzes us with self-doubt and prevents us from taking action. I emphasize the importance of learning in action and being a few steps ahead of those we want to help, rather than waiting to know everything before starting.

Lastly, I address the concept of percolating. Sometimes, what we perceive as procrastination is actually a necessary period of idea formulation and exploration. It’s a time for our thoughts to percolate and for us to find our unique voice and perspective. However, there comes a point when we need to transition from percolating to taking action and sharing our ideas with the world. I emphasize the value of collaboration and feedback in refining our ideas and encourage listeners to embrace imperfection rather than waiting for the perfect moment.

I invite listeners to reflect on their own procrastination tendencies and consider whether they are delaying due to self-limiting thoughts, excessive learning, or a necessary period of percolation. By adopting a curious mindset and making small shifts in their thinking, they can overcome procrastination and start taking meaningful steps towards their dreams and goals.

Bonus Free Confidence Quick Start: A seven-day email series designed to boost your self-confidence, a key factor in overcoming procrastination. Sign Up Here

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