Watch Petra

in Action

Keynotes that ignite the belief of your audience and turn doubt into drive

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Keynote Speaker

Petra's keynotes are not just speeches

they are conversations that connect deeply with the hearts of your audience.

With 30 years of experience as a globally recognized wellness leader, Petra blends her expertise with evidence-based insights from positive psychology.

Her visionary presentations create an atmosphere of reflection, laughter, and action-oriented energy, leaving a lasting impact on all who attend.

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Community  Builder

Petra is the proud owner of The Catalyst Community Membership, the home for Ambitious Procrastinators™ in midlife.

This joyful community is designed to help you get your dreams across the finish line. It might be a great fit for you if:

You are an Ambitious Procrastinator™.

You’re tired of feeling left behind or that it’s too late.

You know there is more you want to do but don’t know where to start.

You’re frustrated with purchasing “all the things” but never taking action.

If you are looking for a


that will support you and your dreams, click below.

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Petra is the author of

The Perfection Detox:

Tame Your Inner Critic, Live Bravely and Unleash Your Joy.

The book has been translated into Spanish, French and Arabic is the foundation for one of her signature keynotes.

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